June 2023

19th June 2023

Year 6 PGL 2023
Day 1
Everyone has had a great first day. Raft building has been enjoyed by all- including a nice cooling dip in the lake for most. All groups have enjoyed problem solving,  one group has been brave on the giant swing and two groups have channelled their inner Robin Hood during archery.  Most of the children were impressed with the range of delicious food at dinner time and we finished the day with a game of role-play Cluedo.  
All the children are now tucked up in bed and are looking forward to the challenges of day 2. 
Day 2
Everyone has had a fantastic day 2 and courage and challenge have been the words of today. Everyone has really pushed themselves on the big swing today, with many children being brave enough to try the highest setting. It has been so lovely to see all the children encouraging and supporting each other and this has really helped them to achieve things they didn’t think they could do. Aeroball and challenge course have also been completed and some have even completed the zipwire. All the children worked well together to work through team challenges this evening. We have all been so proud of all the children and are looking forward to day 3.