Headteacher's Welcome

School Values and Ethos
We extend a warm welcome from Stockham Primary School. Our priority is to provide a warm, caring community where children feel happy and secure, we feel it is vital to maintain individuality and realise the full potential of each child in all areas of school life. To this end we value our open door policy and the partnership we have with parents and carers who play a large part in supporting their child’s learning and celebrating their achievements. We have a very active Governing body and we are well supported by our Parent’s Association who work tirelessly to support the children. Parents also share their skills and expertise with us helping us to continually move the school forward.

We have an excellent team of 9 teachers who are very well supported by 14 teaching assistants and support staff, all of whom are committed to furthering their own professional development showing the children how important life long love of learning is. We work to ensure that teams are delivering a creative cross curriculum approach that has ‘fun’ at the core. Stockham prides itself on being a very inclusive school in its broadest sense. This ensures we all continually learn to support each other whilst having compassion and empathy for those who may have different needs to our own. This plays a big part in the children’s learning promoting skills for life in the wider community.

We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to our school’s community; if you feel you have any skills that you are willing to share we would love to hear from you!

Ruth Burbank
Head Teacher