Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)

Link to Parental consultation questionnaire. Consultation closes on 22nd July 2021
Questions include:
Sex and Relationships engagement questionnaire July 2021
1.I have read and understood the school policy on SRE.
2.Are there any changes or additions that you think should be made to the RSE Policy?
3.If you answered yes to the question above, please tell us more...
4.How would you like to be informed about the content that will be delivered to your child in school?
5.Thinking about relationships and sex education, what do you believe is the most important area that should be taught for different age groups/key stages and why?
6.Would you like support at home, on how to speak to your child about relationship and sex?
7.What suggestions do you have for our school in regards to implementing the Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum?