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Welcome to our school

Stockham Primary School is currently closed for the Summer Holidays, we open our school gates on Wednesday 4th September!  We hope you all have a lovely Summer! 
Welcome to Stockham Primary School 

We cater for approximately 212 children aged from 4 to 11 years, most of whom live in west Wantage. The school was built in 1971 and provides an excellent teaching environment for the children and adults who work here. Our school moto is for every child to be 'Soaring high'.

Vision statement:

Stockham School will inspire life-long curiosity, develop knowledge of the wider world and equip each child with the skills and aspirations to make the most of every opportunity; shaping their future and the communities around them.


School priorities:

  1. To excel in providing a cohesive, progressive and deep broad and balanced curriculum that reflects a diverse world
  2. To foster a culture of nurture, self-care and respect across the whole school community
  3. To ensure all pupils benefit from a whole school progressive and embedded approach to building cultural capital
  4. To integrate sustainability throughout the school providing experience for pupils to engage with the natural environment


Our last Ofsted report (March 19) found that all areas of the school have been judged at Outstanding:
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school
◼ Leaders and teachers are single-minded in their pursuit of excellence. The school’s motto, ‘Soaring high’, underpins all aspects of its work.
◼ Parents and carers, pupils and staff are united in their praise of the school and its leaders, especially the impact of the headteacher. Her high standards and unwavering determination have enabled the school to go from strength to strength.
◼ Subject leaders are highly capable. They use their strong subject expertise to enhance pupils’ learning. Key stage leaders collaborate very effectively with subject leaders.
◼ The curriculum has been adeptly planned and implemented. Pupils successfully acquire a wide range of subject-specific knowledge and skills, which they adroitly apply.
◼ Pupils achieve well above average in key stage 2 national tests. Across the school, most-able pupils fulfil their potential. In key stage 1, pupils make very strong progress from lower-than-average starting points.
◼ Due to better support and new approaches to teaching, progress for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is improving, especially in key stage 2. Disadvantaged pupils’ progress is at least as strong as the progress made by others.
◼ Teaching is outstanding. The teaching of writing, in particular, has improved. Teachers also use their well-developed subject expertise to introduce and embed complex concepts, most noticeably in mathematics.
◼ Pupils are extremely motivated to learn. They enjoy reading and accessing rich texts. Due to teachers’ enthusiasm and commitment, pupils display high levels of interest in a broad range of subjects.
◼ Highly bespoke and carefully targeted support means that pupils who have additional needs do well at the school. All staff are dedicated to doing the best they can for every pupil.
◼ Governance is extremely effective. Governors have helped to embed the school’s aspirational and inclusive ethos. Governors use their detailed knowledge of the school to hold leaders to account.
◼ Early years gives children an excellent start. Dynamic leadership ensures that children acquire the habits, knowledge and skills they need to cope with the demands of Year 1.
◼ Supporting the increasingly high proportion of pupils with SEND has rightly been identified as a key priority in improvement plans. Leaders are aware that there needs to be more capacity in the leadership of SEND.

There are 7 classes in the school, a foundation class, Year,1 up to Year 6. The staff are responsible for the full curriculum for their class but also enjoy co-operative teaching and sharing of expertise. This  encourages a co-operative style of working which gives the children contact with a wider range of adults, nurturing the family feel of the school. We feel that this strongly contributes to the caring ethos of the school.
If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, please ask in the office. We will provide this free of charge.

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